Contemplating problem and replies from Igor and Andrew ...

1. Create a clip from the main timeline
> 2. Notice that the clip is created in the resources window
> 3. Save the project
> 4. Open another project
> 5. Open the previous project
> 6. Notice that the clips are not present anymore
When I use these 6 steps on a simple case, even if all tracks are disarmed
when I create the clip, the clip still shows up in the Resources window
clip bin when I have executed Step #5.   BUT before and after you will
notice that if you right mouse click on one of the clips in the Resources
window and choose the Info option, you will see "+0:00:00:00" as the size
of the clip so there is nothing there because it was disarmed.  So is
working correctly like IgorBeg said.

As for the "undo" crash, as Andrew stated, it would be good to have a bug
report on this -- OR just provide more details so we can recreate the
problem and I will make a bug report.  If it is reproducible and you have
an example, that would be so helpful.  Crashes are the absolute worse
thing.  You can send files privately if you want and they will not be

> --
> Stefan
> --
> Cin mailing list
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