On 3/4/24 04:30, Andrea paz via Cin wrote:
The steps I took are as follows:
1- I upload the image 4-3_3-2.png
2- upload image to timeline
3- RMB on the track on the Timeline and I choose Resize track
4- I set the value 768 (unchanged) and 512 (new). Note that the ratio
of sides remains 1:1. I click OK.
5- I see the deformed track because it conflicts with the project
format (which matches the asset format)
6- I open the Set Format window (Setting --> Format)
7- Set H = 512
8- Set Display Aspect Ratio a 3:2
9- I click Apply and then click OK.
10- In the compositor you can see the crop of the asset that exactly
shows the 768x512 format at 3:2
11- By making a render this remains in the new format, that is, of the
desired 3:2 crop.

That works!

The part that makes it possible is "resize track", because otherwise importing a clip causes the project settings to follow those of the imported clip.

so to summarize
1) import content
2) resize track
3) modify project settings
4) adjust camera as necessary
5) render


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