Pierre Marc Dumuid wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> We could make a file called, "SVN-COMMITTERS".  Though you need to fetch
> the file before you run git-svn ...
I don't think there is a need for just another kind of AUTHORS file.
specially when then primary one isn't maintained.

> Also, I seem to be the quickest to note that the sync isn't working, so
> if you make the author file on pipapo cinelerra-group writable, and give
> access to the output logs, then I could fix it as soon as I see a
> problem also...

i'd chgrped the cinelerra-svn_sync/ stuff to 'cinelerra' and set write
perms. So anyone who is in group cinelerra can alter the authors file.
Take care.

Note 1: Just fixing the file isn't enough to make the sync work again,
git stucks somewhere in nowhere and one has to reset the HEAD and
restart the sync. Best solution would be of course to fix the authors
file before someone new commits and the sync stalls. Anyways this
problem occurs rarely and is not that critical (how often are new
committers added?) I'll just plan to fix it when it strikes.

Note 2: The authors file is not managed under svn or git, I just put it
into the tree by coincidence. Maybe we could put it somewhere else.


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