John Griffiths wrote:
> Christian,
> Depending on the OS, I might be able to do some sys admin stuff; I use
> Fedora 11 & 12. I do some bash scripting. I do well in setting up
> Postfix, DNS (bind, named), PostgreSQL, MySQL.
> I program in Java but since Cinelerra is C/C++, that is not of much help.
> I have never had the need to set up or administer a mailing list, so
> that would be a learning curve.

We have a mailman already running serving as mta
posfix with postgrey, no user accounts there. Bascially the nameserver
needs to learn '' no big deal and postfix has to be
configured to accept mail for that and then configuring a mailinglist
and migrate the subscriptions maybe (if possible) import the old
mailinglist archive too. hermanr has contacts to the skolelinux admins
and may tell more within the next days.

The other things to do are the more rare cases administrating the git
repos, adding new accounts for new developers (gitosis is used there)
and so on, that happens rather rarely once a year or so.

I can give you some intro and help for a start.

For Lumiera we started and using some infrastructure which does
automatic building and testing on the server which basically works but
there are plenty of things how it could be improved, this really scales
with time and experience one can invest. No urge but little things
someone can do which will help us a lot.

> Let me know if you need my help.

Yes of course, every little step brings us further!
You may send me your ssh pubkey and visit us on irc for details (or
continue with email)


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