Hi Rodney,

Rodney Dunn schrieb:
> It's a bug.
> Looks like:
> CSCsi93916
> Externally found severe defect: Open (O)
> Alignment Error/ Traceback with IP NAT. 
> that isn't fixed yet.

Do you know, when it will be fixed ?
Is this bug in every 12.4 Release or does it only occur
in the 28xx Series ?

Can it be that through this bug I can have packet loss ?
In my configuration I have a gre tunnel with nat configured.
The other end of the tunnel have a sla configured, which pings
every 60s the tunnel IP Address of the router. Sometimes the
sla reports timeout, although the connection between both
are still there. I know that, because I have another sla, which pings
the IP address of the router itselfs. The sla here doesn't report
any problems. It is a really strange thing.


Ahmad Cheikh-Moussa

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