

                Been googling for an hour, can't find anything definitive.
Trying to go LACP between an ASR (using 2 built-in gig ports) and a switch
stack (3750 or 2960S).  Would like to use the fast mode of LACP PDUs ('lacp
rate fast' on the ASR).  This command doesn't seem to exist on the small
switches from what I can tell.  If one side is configured with 'fast' and
the other isn't, will they negotiate to the faster speed, the slower speed,
or not at all?  Or will they work, but with one side reacting in 3 seconds,
and the other in 90?  Unfortunately I don't have a small switch at my
disposal to try it myself.  The output of show lacp neigh leads me to
believe the other device requests your sending speed:


sh lacp 1 nei det

Flags: S - Device is requesting Slow LACPDUs

            F - Device is requesting Fast LACPDUs


Anyone know for sure?






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