Why are you using RR clusterID?

ClusterID should be loopback, unless you can extremely well justify
your position to do anything else.

ClusterID is legacy of era when DRAM was extremely premium, the DRAM
cost of having unique ClusterID is extremely marginal. The benefit of
having unique ClusterID is to avoid whole lot of outages due to
misconfig and misdesign and to allow arbitrary client/rr

On 3 March 2018 at 05:51, Curtis Piehler <cpiehl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I presume this is supported in IOS-XR but just making sure.
> A network across the country is split up into multiple regions.  Each
> region housing two RRs where the local region clients peer with them.
> Instead of full meshing all of the regional RR consider a tiered topology.
> 3-4 of the regional RR are designated Super-RR where they full mesh with
> each other on a global cluster ID.  The rest of the regional RR peer with
> each of the Super-RR and with each other for regions with no super-RR.
> The Super-RR areconfigured for the global cluster ID
> The Regional-RR are configured for the regional cluster ID
> The Super-RR also peer with the regional clients on a per neighbor cluster
> ID basis for the local region (set for the Regional cluster ID)
> The Regional-RR peer with the Super RR on a per neighbor cluster ID (set
> for the Global cluster ID)
> The Super-RR end up straddling the fence between the global cluster ID and
> the regional cluster ID
> The redundant Regional RR also end up straddling the fence between the
> global cluster ID and the regional cluster ID but it's main purpose is to
> be a redundant RR within the region
> The local region clients peer with the Super-RR in that region and also
> with the redundant regional RR.
> Is this feasible/doable with MCID?
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