
I'm using openssh on Ubuntu for CUCM 8.6.2aSU2, UCCX 8.5(1)SU4, Unity
Connection 8.6something, CER 8. Also have some 9.x test systems pointed to
it. I've not run into any issues, I've been using it on that CUCM version
for about 8 months now. Nothing special configured on the server for any of
the backups to work.

3.1GB looks like its the biggest tarball i'm getting from CUCM for TFTP.
Connection message store backup gets up to 8.9GB.

Hope that helps or at least provides a data point for you.


On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 1:20 PM, Erick Bergquist <> wrote:

> Anyone aware of any issues with using OpenSSH 5.x or latest 6.4 with CUCM
> 8.6.2a SU2?
> Trying to move away from FreeFTPd. The SFTP backup job fails on the bigger
> components to the OpenSSH SFTP server running on a linux server. It fails
> on the MOH or TFTP component. All files are under a gig in size.
> The backup job completes fine to FreeFTPd though, and I can use FileZilla
> on the FreeFTPd server and SFTP the backup files to the OpenSSH server fine
> without error so it appears the SFTP client in 8.6.2a SU2 has problems
> perhaps with OpenSSH. I've tested another CUCM server with same version
> with same OpenSSH SFTP server fine without problem. Appears it fails on
> larger transfer attempts.
> I can't find any bugs on this in the bug search or in 8.6.2a SU3 release
> notes, just curious if anyone else has had issues with larger transfers to
> OpenSSH based SFTP server.
> I did find a earlier posting, or support forum post where it was mentioned
> to disable the keepalives on the OpenSSH and tried that also with no
> change.
> Thanks
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