Thanks for your input. It's unfortunate we have to live with it.
Need to know the significance and purpose of TVS restart on subs, as results are seen without doing it as well. Also does that cause another reset on the phones?

Maybe you misunderstood it, it is about bulk cert, and not pub recovery. Do you know of a way to stop phones from resetting just by combining the cert? We see this being fixed in 9.5 but not everyone is willing to jump to 9.5 for this gap. Cisco should consider addressing this on 8.6 and 9.1 as well as many customers are using these releases. If your 30k phones have to take a hit because of cert combining, then that's a big drawback to this whole procedure of cluster replacements.


On 2014-11-03 4:39 PM, Ryan Ratliff (rratliff) wrote:
I'm not aware of the specifics of the doc bug Brian referenced but the original question sounds less like bulk cert import and more like a publisher recovery. Can you provide a bit more details on what you mean by "promote a new publisher to existing phones"?


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