You can only have one incoming and one outgoing profile in a dial peer. 
However, a profile can have a set of translation rules for called and calling. 
Thinking of translations in three parts. For example:

First, apply the translation profile to the dial peer in the specific 

dial-peer voice 1 pots
   translation-profile incoming PSTN-IN
   translation-profile outgoing  PSTN-OUT

Next step is to apply the specific rules to the profile. It is here where the 
called and calling translations are defined:

voice translation-profile PSTN-IN
  translate calling 1
  translate called 2

voice translation-profile PSTN-OUT
  translate calling 3
  translate called 4

Finally, build the rules that will apply the translations ... This example 
requires 4 rules: 2 incoming and 2 incoming rules:

voice-translation-rule 1

    rule 1 / 851/ //

   Add your sub rules as needed

voice translation-rule 2

voice translation-rule 3

voice translation-rule 4

Hope this helps


On Feb 17, 2015, at 5:08 AM, Euan McGregor 
<<>> wrote:

Hi All,

This might seem like a noob question but I have never had to do this before. I 
need to translate both the calling and the called party numbers on the CUBE. 
Can the dial peer take two incoming translation profiles for the called and 
calling number I cant seem to find any definitive answers to my query!


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