
The DLU <-> CUWL license model change was and continues to be a significant 
change for customers; no arguments there. 

However, once you make it to the other side, the CUWL licensing model makes a 
lot more sense and is ultimately easier to manage and predict usage. Having 
said that; there are techniques you can use to make the 'true-up' (associating 
devices to users) process a little less painful. 

For instance, you can use BAT to export a user list and device list. By using 
Excel pivot tables and a little join magic you can usually come up with a 
device re-import that will slap user associations on the devices (beats 
clicking through 1,000+ devices in GUI). If you have IM & Presence, you could 
do something similar for line ownership (needed for line presence).



Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2015 11:55:54 -0700
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] Feature Request to fix Licensing issues with EM

We are 100% EM in CM 8.6.  Now I have to associate phones to Users so I can get 
the licensing that I have support on.  1000 users rather than 1600 phones. (450 
are soft clients).  Since I'm licensed for 1000 I have to "true up" my 
licensing ($24k).  so if convert over to CUWL for 1000 why should I buy more 
licensing that I already have? thus working through the association of devices 
to users.
So now I'm stuck in a Associating user / device nightmare.  which I can work 
through.  But now I have to keep my associations current moving forward (we 
move users often) so I don't get out of Licensing complainants again.
On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 11:44 AM, Anthony Holloway 
<> wrote:
Can you briefly explain this EM licensing nightmare?  I'm not sure I'm aware of 
Also, it sounds like what you are describing, implies that license compliance 
checks are run frequently and multiple times throughout the day, and to my 
knowledge they are not.  How else would you keep up with all of the logging in 
and out of devices, unless the license compliance check was run in real time?  
Which was probably how it worked prior to ELM.  Just spitballing a few ideas.
On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 1:29 PM Scott Voll <> wrote:
OK, everyone has complained about the licensing nightmare that EM plays in CM 9 
and 10.
My coworker has come up with a fix......

In thinking this all through, I thought about how I would
like it all to work mechanically.  Here
is what I would like to request as a Feature/Enhancement Request:


When I log into a device for the first time with Extension
Mobility, I am assigned as the device owner. 
That ownership is retained until one of two things happen:

1.        I log into another like device (i.e.: I have a
8861 at my desk, and I log into Scott’s 8861 at his desk) 

2.        Someone else logged into my device.


This way, the ownership of the device is always assigned by
the extension mobility profile and follows the user.  If I have an iPhone, IPad 
or Jabber or other
such device, since those all require a user to log in, the ownership would be
added in the same way.  This would
mitigate the licensing issues caused by extension mobility (in my opinion). 


Using this would really simplify the licensing requirements
in my thinking.


Any thoughts?


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