Fiddler has been helping me out a lot lately for these!  I had to do the
same to figure out how the Webex Device Connector actually works under the

On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 12:58 PM Anthony Holloway <> wrote:

> You tease!
> Just kidding, thanks for sharing this.  Did you just get this from the
> logs then?  Or some other dark magic?
> On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 11:02 PM Brian Meade <> wrote:
>> Lelio,
>> I'm actually starting to work on creating some Python scripts to allow
>> bulk using the Quick User/Phone Add feature such as using it to add Jabber
>> devices for all users very quickly.  I'm also going to use this for bulk
>> deploying Remote Destination Profiles/Device Profiles.
>> I'm not sure if I'll share the full code or keep that internal to ePlus
>> but I'll share some of my findings around how these internal/non-documented
>> API's seem to be working behind the scenes.
>> Create a DN with a specific line template:
>> POST https://<CUCM>/ucmadmin/directorynumber/addDn/ HTTP/1.1
>> Body:
>> {"dnorpattern":"8888888888","universallinetemplate":"3a63b9c6-e867-4a37-82ca-9f5ad55d515c"}
>> 200 OK response will contain the PKID of the new Directory Number.
>> Set Primary Extension.  Replace PKID after /enduser/ with PKID of the end
>> user, fknumplan/sortorder is the important part.
>> This one may be easier to set via AXL API instead.
>> PUT https://<CUCM>/ucmadmin/enduser/98735c00-12d6-6e16-f985-7778d05806b1
>> HTTP/1.1
>> Body:
>> {"externData":{"groupAssociations":[],"extensions":[{"pkid":"","fknumplan":"f8cfccf4-a37a-37f9-3b68-e3fa71eb5522","sortorder":1,"lineDirectoryURI":{"fknumplan":"f8cfccf4-a37a-37f9-3b68-e3fa71eb5522","directoryuri":"","fkroutepartition":"","isprimary":false}}]},"credentialInfo":{"useDefaultCredential":false,"password":null,"passwordConfirm":null,"pin":null,"pinConfirm":null},"pkid":"98735c00-12d6-6e16-f985-7778d05806b1","firstname":"Brian","middlename":"","displayname":"","lastname":"Meade","userid":"bmeade-test","fkdirectorypluginconfig":null,"fkfeaturegrouptemplate":"41128559-bd7b-93cc-1166-01acf5b5bd4d","fkucuserprofile":"b2d3d9d0-a6bd-0136-d54f-bfee73f3ed74","userRank":"1","directoryuri":"","telephonenumber":"","mailid":"","manager":"","department":""}
>> Find a phone to move to a user.  Replace PKID in POST URI with PKID of
>> end user.  Device list shows PKID of device you want to move:
>> POST 
>> https://<CUCM>/ucmadmin/enduser/movePhones/98735c00-12d6-6e16-f985-7778d05806b1
>> HTTP/1.1
>> Body:
>> {"devicelist":[{"pkid":"3784d3e8-62c9-4b26-bfaa-1e7c741511bd"}]}
>> Add a new phone for a user.  Replace PKID in POST with PKID of end user.
>> Replace device template PKID with the device template you want to use.
>> tkproduct is the model number from the typeproduct table.  isProfile is
>> used to say it's a device profile for extension mobility:
>> POST 
>> https://<CUCM>/ucmadmin/enduser/addPhone/98735c00-12d6-6e16-f985-7778d05806b1
>> HTTP/1.1
>> Body:
>> {"tkproduct":"30041","tkdeviceprotocol":"0","name":"SEPBMEADE","fkcommondevicetemplate":"580497c1-15e1-4e27-91ef-6f1e00f2e417","isprofile":"f","moduleCount":0}
>> On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 2:06 PM Lelio Fulgenzi <> wrote:
>>> Hello all. Looking for feedback and opinions and caveats.
>>> Right now, we’re deploying Jabber only to those with phones/DNs. But, we
>>> need to start deploying Jabber for those individuals without phones/DNs.
>>> Our SOPs include using Quick Add feature. (Thanks a million time Brian
>>> Meade for the pointer).
>>> My choices so far, to address Jabber for new those without phones:
>>> (a) Create a fake hardware phone first. This has many benefits, namely,
>>> all SOPs remain the same. Hardware phone would be deleted afterwards.
>>> (b) Use Directory Number admin page to create/update a DN first, then
>>> use Quick Add page to assign DN to user accordingly and then click manage
>>> devices and follow remaining SOP steps.
>>> (c) create line templates and use those when creating new extensions
>>> under quick add. The issue with this is we have so many combinations, I’d
>>> need a lot of templates.
>>> I’m leaning towards (b), since it gives me the best of both worlds.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Lelio
>>> Sent from my iPhone
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