Thank you all.   I will restart everything as I have uploaded the new file and 
the old one is still being displayed.   MAC and counts appear to match 
identically but will see what happens after the restart.  




Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 10:40 AM
To: Terry Oakley <>
Cc: voip puck <>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] [cisco-voip] quick question about UCCX license


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You should not need to restart but if I were you (out on vacation when the old 
license expires) I would restart both nodes during a maintenance window to make 
sure it likes the new license and verify license counts. I’ve had licenses 
issued before that had incorrect seat and feature counts. It’s very hard to 
work with Cisco on hard licenses for UCCX now as well. They are forcing 
everyone to smart licensing. 



On Apr 11, 2023, at 12:07 PM, Terry Oakley < 
<> > wrote:


We just received an updated license for our UCCX cluster. (On pub one sub). I 
have loaded the license but want to confirm that to apply the license I need to 
restart the two VM’s or is there a command line that I can run to apply the 

We just received an updated license for our UCCX cluster.  (On pub one sub).   
I have loaded the license but want to confirm that to apply the license I need 
to restart the two VM’s or is there a command line that I can run to apply the 
license?   Leaving on vacation in 4 days and the current license expires in 6 
days hence the new license to apply and also why I am hoping my mind is mush 
and I am unsure of required steps.  


Thank you in advance for your kind assistance.



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