I wouldn't even think of using a router for this purpose unless you are only
using smtp mail between your own sites and don't want outside email f/
We run spamassasin (www.spamassasin.org) on our mail server and it cuts out
80-90% of our SPAM.

Kevin Hunt

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marty Adkins" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: blocking spam with cisco routers [7:48971]

> GEORGE wrote:
> >
> > Hi all I have a question ,I configured my e-mail server to only accept
> > local e-mail, and deny other relay , however im still vulnerable to
> > spam. My question is how do the ips block other e-mail going to their
> > smtp
> > Do they do it by access-list? Allowing only the local network with port
> > 25?
> > Or just the e-mail server?
> > If cisco routers have to be involved does anyone have some links. Im
> > behind a pix and would like to allow only my network to use smtp.
> Network layer filtering can't really do much to prevent relaying; it
> has to be done in the SMTP application.  The techniques that I'm
> familiar with include:
> 1) Disallow mail sent to non-local (different domain) addresses unless
>    the SMTP source is within the local domain, as resolved in a reverse
>    This is simple but prevents one from sourcing mail while traveling,
>    using a different ISP, at work, etc.
> 2) Same as #1 but require U/P authentication for outgoing mail.
> 3) Same as #1 but indirectly authenticate by correlating an outgoing
>    mail connection with a "recent" successful POP3 fetch, which naturally
>    requires a U/P.  My DSL ISP, Speakeasy, does this and it works quite
>    well.  If you attempt outbound mail without having done a POP fetch
>    in the last several minutes, an error message tells you that you must
>    do that first.
> And BTW, none of these reduce spam, only the relaying of it!
>   Marty Adkins                     Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Chesapeake NetCraftsmen, LLC     o:410.757.3050,
>   1290 Bay Dale Drive, Suite 312   http://www.netcraftsmen.NET
>   Arnold, MD  21012-2325           Cisco CCIE #1289

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