Congratulations, everyone!


I agree that the Charter has been ratified; I hereby ratify it.


This has been a long time in coming, and I am happy it is finished.  I am
proud that the Citizendium has continued to grow in the time, now about a
year and a half, since I was actively involved.


I apologize for being so uninvolved in this whole process, but frankly, I
have felt that it is not my place to get involved much, after pledging at
the outset that I would step down after 2-3 years as head of CZ.  Every time
I have gotten involved since the spring of 2009, my pledge has lurked in the
back of my mind (and frequently in the front of it), which has sapped my
motivation for trying to impose my will on anything that might be going on.
To be sure, I've made a few of my wishes known, but the project and the
charter drafting process has continued on almost entirely independently of
me, I'm sincerely happy to say.


Per Article 52 of the charter
(, this email ends my
term of office.  I believe it is now up to persons other than me to put the
next relevant articles, 53 and 54, into effect.  I would like to thank the
committee for honoring my service in getting CZ started with their Article


CZ is unlike many online communities.  We have adopted a charter that
defines the community as a division of power, and with different bodies
capable of proposing and making innovations.  Many important terms are
limited, as I think they should be, and the most powerful positions are
elected.  In short, we now officially have an online constitutional
republic, just as I have wanted.  I hope that you all will support the
nascent system and help to build it into something self-sustaining and
flourishing.  I still believe in this project, and I think that the time may
well come when we begin to grow more quickly.  Our traffic has been steadily
growing, and I've observed new people continuing to get involved.  So, quite
contrary to hopeful, mean-spirited reports of our impending demise, we've
actually shown our resilience, despite my own lack of involvement the last
18 months or so.


I wish you the best of luck.  I will try to assist the transition as I can.
To that end, let me point a few things out and make a few recommendations:


.         I remain a Citizen.  I am still strongly aligned with and in
support of our goals, and I will continue to speak out on our behalf if
offered a chance.  I will not attempt to speak for CZ, however; any
questions from the press that come my way that seem to be questions about
the current state of the project, pending decisions, and future strategies,
I will refer to CZ's current management.


.         There are any number of changes that might be made that could
really kick things up a notch in this project.  We have many cards we have
not played.  When you think about operations and strategy, think creatively
first, then critically.  Different design, different branding; new
associations; new stated goals; new initiatives, perhaps shared with
partners; new sources of content and participants; maybe paring back of
needless and not-very-helpful help pages; initiation of important new
software projects; etc.  I hope that the new management committee will show
leadership in considering and, more importantly, deciding and executing such


.         Please bear in mind that the funds available to pay for the
WatchKnow servers are running low.  I think I can arrange for a significant
cash infusion to cover any short-term shortfall, but you should be thinking
about how to keep the servers paid for.  I think this could be a prime
opportunity to move the hosting to a lower-cost service, as well as
developing a relationship with an entity that can receive donations and make
payments on our behalf-perhaps a university, academic press, or nonprofit.
Of course, you are free to continue on with the Tides Center.  In any event
I would encourage you to make sure to have the relationship with the entity
in clear writing, making it perfectly clear that CZ's decisions will be
independent and constrained only by the decisions of Citizens and the
Charter, and law.


.         I hope the community will use the opportunity of a new charter to
make other needed positive changes.  I believe there needs to be a settled
and regular way to identify and resolve disputes.  The Charter describes the
outline of a method but I believe it needs to be elaborated.  There are
people whose involvement in the project is a significant net negative, for
example because they are ideologues who brazenly refuse to write neutrally,
because they repeatedly violate standards of professionalism, or because
they are cranks who have no respect whatsoever of the proper standards of
evidence and scholarship.  The project will bleed able and much-needed
contributors if they must deal with people who should not be involved.  Of
course, it can be difficult to determine the line between overzealous
rules-enforcement and perfect openness to any sort of behavior.  But I think
that this needs to be done, and it will help that it's done independently of
me-in the past, when I had to get rid of people, they were frequently able
to make it personal.  I hope a process involving several people, following
fair rules in an open manner, will not be so easy to attack.  I just hope,
of course, that the process also remains relatively efficient (i.e., not too
complex and bureaucratic) while also being open and fair.


.         One area in which I am disappointed with the charter-I never
expected it to be perfect-is the lack of any requirement that articles be
family-friendly (or, choose the term that is least offensive to your
political sensibilities).  There is some seriously twisted stuff on
Wikipedia that has no business in a resource calling itself an
"encyclopedia."  I hope CZ will never host such stuff-or, to the extent it
does, at least properly labels and places it behind appropriate disclaimers.
But generally, I hope that you will maintain standards of appropriateness
for school use similar to that used in other resources written for adults
and at about the college level, such as Britannica and The New York Times.
School kids are among the those who stand to benefit most from CZ, and I'd
like to make sure that they're well served.


I'm willing to offer other advice if asked, but I expect to do so largely
behind the scenes, one-on-one, because I do not want to impose improper
influence on what should be a democratic process.


On a personal note, I've been greatly distracted lately by new developments
in new projects (a major new set of WatchKnow features, and an upcoming
associated program to teach children to read) as well as baby #2 due in just
a few weeks.  I'm also in transition on WatchKnow, which is also gaining a
wonderful, able new CEO, freeing me up to develop the reading project full
time.  I'm frankly glad to be developing and executing brand new ideas,
which is probably my forte.  But this is not an excuse--I am sorry that I
have not answered all the emails that people have sent.


Again, congratulations to everyone!



Larry Sanger


Lawrence M. Sanger, Ph.D. | 

Executive Director, WatchKnow | 

Founding Editor-in-Chief, Citizendium | | 


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