Dear registered active and temporarily inactive members of


I am writing to you as Managing Editor of Citizendium, to
let you know that if we members of Citizendium as a group do not do something
cooperatively right now, or in the very near future, Citizendium will likely
have close down within the next 2 or 3 months.


The reason: Citizendium is simply not receiving monthly donations
sufficient to pay for its monthly hosting cost to run its servers. See: 
CZ:Financial report (

If monthly donations, averaging $103 against ~$332 hosting
costs, do not increase substantially, Citizendium must inevitably shut down.


At this time, we are not asking anyone to commit to a
monthly donation of any amount for, say, a year’s period.


What we need right now, and as soon as possible, are individual
donations of $10-$15 for each of the next three months (August, September,
October, 2012), to keep us operating while we continue our pursuit of a
permanent funding solution.


If you find $10-$15 a burden for three months, even $5 might
suffice if we receive enough members donating. 
If you can afford more than $15 in any of the three months, and feel
generously inclined, that, of course, would be great.


Without revealing amounts donated, and with names listed
alphabetically, we will honor all donors on the wiki.


To donate, go to:


Thank you for reading this long message about a crisis
situation for Citizendium.


Anthony.Sebastian, Managing Editor

Co-signing, Hayford Peirce, Treasurer

Co-signing, Pat Palmer and Larry Sanger, Management Council

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