mysql_connect() is a php function that is included when installing php
with mysql support.  When compiling php one needs to specify
--with-mysql, maybe this wasn't specified by the php package you are
using.  If you make a file with the phpinfo() command in it, that will
show you whether php has mysql support, it will show the compile
string that includes --with-mysql and have a table with information
about mysql further down the page.

You can make a new file, named something like info.php that looks like this:

Drop that into your web folder and the go to it in your browser.  Your
error sounds like you'll see that you don't have mysql support
compiled into your php module.  You'll need to find a different php
package that includes the correct options or if you compiled it,
recompile it with the mysql options.

I have used the easyphp software package on windows, and I know others
here have too.  It's available from and should
work out of the box with most php/mysql scripts.


On 3/24/06, David Schmalz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am new to Mysql and am running into some problems while setting up
> citrusdb.
> I am using PHP5, MySQL 3.23 and Apache2 all installed on the 'localhost' of
> Windows XP. When I attempt to open  …/citrusdb/index.php in my web browser I
> get the error message:
>  'Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\Program
> Files\Apache
> Group\Apache2\htdocs\citrusdb\include\adodb\drivers\
> on line 345 '.
> The only thing I can think of is '' has an 'Include' to a
> file that defines the function somewhere but how do I tell it where?
> Does anyone have advice for this novice?
> Thanks
> - Dave

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