My first and biggest problem is that I seem to be unable to setup 
one-time invoicing.  I tried creating a billing type for invoices with a 
frequency of 0.  Any one-time service I add to an account does not seem 
to be billed to the account using this billing type.  Any invoice I 
create shows 0 new charges.

If I set it to invoice monthly then it works fine but if I apply 
multiple one-time services to an account within one month, creating 
invoices each time, the invoices will extend multiple months into the 
future unless I manually go in and reset the dates every time.  Is this 
just the way it is designed or am I doing something wrong here?

The second problem is an issue with "Print New Invoices" in the Tools 
section.  Every time it generates a pdf the document is entirely blank, 
even though in the billing section I can see a proper invoice was 
generated for accounts.  In apache's error log I see the following error 
immediately after attempting to generate the pdf:

[Wed Jan 19 18:23:56 2011] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Use 
of undefined constant F - assumed 'F' in 
/var/www/citrus/tools/invoice.php on line 103, referer:

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