Am 23.10.2007 um 17:47 schrieb Bennett Todd:

> 2007-10-19T19:04:03 Enrico Scholz:
>> How can we proceed so that clamav can be used legally?
> How about tearing out the unrar code, and replacing it with trivial
> logic that declares any rar file it sees to be presumed viral, since
> it's compressed with a proprietary algorithm that clamav isn't
> permitted to look inside? What better way to get idiots to stop
> using the poisoned archive format in the first place?

First of all - we are permitted - we just have to follow the rules.

As a second note: Every Software developer is free to choose the  
license his work is distributed under. And if we want people to  
respect our license, we have to respect other licenses as well.

And as a third thing - the RARLab developers are no idiots - they  
made a very complex and cool piece of software and the contact with  
them was extremely helpful and happened in a very polite way. Please  
keep in mind - freedom also means to let other be free to have a  
different opinion. Please don't be a fanatic - there are already  
enough of them out there.

Best regards,

Please submit your patches to our Bugzilla:

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