On Apr 19, 2010, at 05:11 AM, Török Edwin wrote:

You can remove daily.cvd/cld, and stop freshclam as temporary solution
to get 0.92 working, until you get 0.95.3, or 0.96 working.

Best regards,
Please submit your patches to our Bugzilla: http://bugs.clamav.net

I built everything as static so including the dynamic (shared) libclamav.dylib library is not required for clamd however libclamunrar.dylib is linked in the libclamunrar_iface module so it has been installed.

The code looks like it expects to load the libclamunrar_iface module from disk and doesn't check to see if it's embedded (static linked).

I submitted the clamd stderr information as requested,, is there anything else you need?

-- Dale

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Please submit your patches to our Bugzilla: http://bugs.clamav.net

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