On 04/27/2010 09:58 PM, Per Jessen wrote:
> Török Edwin wrote:
>>> --enable-llvm  Enable 'llvm' JIT/verifier support [default=auto]
>>> (automatic selection based on what?)
>> It is automatically enabled if you have a known-to-work GNU C++
>> compiler installed, and you have a CPU supported by the LLVM JIT.
> Okay.  Just out of curiosity - what happens if I build/configure on a
> machine where the JIT is supported, but distribute to a machine where
> it isn't? I.e. will it cause a problem? 

supported has 2 parts:
 - C++ compiler "recent enough"
 - CPU *architecture* supported

Obviously you can't take the build from one CPU architecture (say X86)
and run it on another (say PowerPC), unless you are cross compiling, so
I don't think there should be any problems with that part.

Regarding the C++ part: the machines you'll run ClamAV on don't need to
have a C/C++ compiler installed, they only need a libstdc++.
That libstdc++ has to be something that is compatible with the libstdc++
on the build machine (this usually means same version or newer).
Although in some cases it might work with older versions, I don't know.

The worse that can happen regarding libstdc++ mismatches AFAIK is that
you get a missing symbol error, and the program doesn't start.

In conclusion no, there shouldn't be any problems, and if you do get
problems they should be obvious when you start clamscan/clamd.

>> I don't see an easy way of reducing the size (except for
>> --disable-llvm). Can you give some more details on why this size
>> increase is not acceptable for you?
> Oh, I don't have an issue with the size as such, it was just a surprise.

Ah ok.

Best regards,
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