Hi there,

On Sun, 8 Sep 2019, Markus Kolb wrote:

I'd like to get some thoughts of reducing the memory footprint of clamav

My thought: Once upon a time they used to say that hardware accounted
for 90% of the cost of a computer system; then they used to say it was
more like 50/50; more recently, by comparison with the software costs,
hardware costs approximately nothing.

Short version: memory's cheap.

Do you have already some ideas of the way to introduce a feature like

Speaking personally, no.

Is my assumption correct that the loaded signature database in memory is
the biggest part?

Don't assume things.  Measure them.

So my idea would be to do introduce some kind of optional/configurable
round-robin loading of the signatures in limited blocks.
Scanning with the loaded signatures block, loading the next signatures
block from db files and scanning, and so on, until all signatures are

Perhaps you haven't been reading recent posts on the users' list.

With the next file to scan same procedure again...
Of course this would mean to slow down the scan process, but would free
memory on the system.

The *scanning* speed isn't going to be the problem with your idea.

... I might have missed something to think about.

The scanning engine was designed to scan for millions of signatures
very efficiently.  But it loads them rather slowly.  Even if you were
to split the database into parts which were one tenth the size of the
existing databases, they would each take seconds to load.  But a scan
typically takes a fraction of a second.  So I think what you've missed
is the speed of *loading* the signatures.  Unless you have some way of
improving that (and everyone here would be *very* pleased to see that)
then your idea will have little to recommend it to most ClamAV users.

There might be a way to run multiple daemons, each with part of the
database already loaded, which could be paged in/out of swap quicker
than it would be to dump and reload the separate database parts.  The
idea is pure speculation on my part, and I wouldn't think it worth
pursuing unless I wanted to run ClamAV on a Raspberry Pi on the ISS.

What's your use case?



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