Hi all,

A couple a people have asked regarding ongoing maintenance of previous releases 
and of support for CentOS 6.  I wanted to write one email instead of respond a 
few times to each person.

The TL;DR is:  We're no longer publishing new ClamAV 0.100 or 0.101 patch 
versions.  I advise everyone to upgrade to 0.102.2.

RHEL/CentOS 6:


We make an effort to test on the two latest LTS releases of some of the more 
popular operating systems.  Now that CentOS 8 is out, we're discontinuing 
testing on CentOS 6.

Regarding a question about CentOS 32bit, specifically:  There is a known 
compatibility issue with ClamAV 0.100+ and zlib released older than 1.2.7 
(provided with CentOS 5/6).   The CentOS 6 package maintainers had a workaround 
for 0.100 (see https://bugzilla.clamav.net/show_bug.cgi?id=12162 for details).  
This compatibility issue is not something we ever had the time or interest to 

RHEL/CentOS in general:


CentOS releases are very long-lived, lasting 10 years from release until EOL.

CentOS 6 EOL: November 30, 2020

CentOS 7 EOL: June 30, 2024

CentOS 8 EOL: May 31, 2029.

If you take a peek at the EPEL packages for RHEL/CentOS 8 ( 
https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/8/Everything/x86_64/Packages/c/ ), you'll 
notice that they're still packaging ClamAV 0.101.5.  Regression testing and 
preparing each patch version is relatively time consuming and our development 
team is small. To limit the scope of our work so we can make progress with 
fixes and improvements to ClamAV, we're only patching the current stable 
release and a previous stable releases in the event that the current stable 
release is very new, so as to provide some overlap for users that might have 
some difficulty updating.

There is certainly no way our team can continue to support ClamAV 0.101 until 
2029.  I think the EPEL package maintainers will have to decide if they want to 
invest the time to backport fixes themselves, or if they're willing to provide 
newer versions of ClamAV.

Best regards,


Micah Snyder

ClamAV Development


Cisco Systems, Inc.


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