
it seems like there is a  hang issue while compiling the unit-test suite. 

commands that I ran under the ClamAV source code folder
a)./configure --enable-check 
--enable-coverage(successful)b)make(successful)c)make check VG=1(to  test the 
valgrind related scripts)[hanging]     ( or)d)make check (hanging)
As per Software code quailty standards,  a good software should   meet the 
below code coverage metrics
1.line coverage -90%2.function coverage-90%3.branch coverage-80%
May I know the below code coverage metric values  in ClamAV project as per 
existing unit-test suite
note:Since i have facing some issue while compiling all unit-test cases, as of 
now, i could not able to generate the code coverage report
my environment details as the belowCLAMAV_VERSION "0.103.0"valgrind-3.15.0
ubuntu version:20.0.4
Thanks,Satish Yaduvanshi    On Thursday, 26 November, 2020, 02:35:25 pm IST, 
Andrew C Aitchison <and...@aitchison.me.uk> wrote:  
 On Thu, 26 Nov 2020, Satish Kumar via clamav-users wrote:

> Dear All,
> I would like to build the ClamAV software from source code on an ubuntu 
> machine and  measure the  code coverage of the ClamAV project with the 
> help  of existing unit test cases in the ClamAV project
>  for that, the  below  steps that I  followed
> 1.compiled the ClamAV source code locally  and installed successfully on the 
> local ubuntu machine
>  a)autogen.sh  b)./configure --enable-check  --enable-coveragec)sudo 
> make install
> 2)After installation, I  switched from the ClamAV source folder to  
> "unit_tests" and  executed the make command but failed with the below error 
> makemake: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
> I want to run all  unit-test cases covered (at one go)  under the unit_test 
> folder  and measure the ClamAV  code coverage  metrics( in terms of  
> line/statement coverage, function coverage, branch coverage) by  exiting the 
> unit-test case suite(s) of ClamAV
> I have gone through  ClamAV documentation a little bit but could not find a 
> clue for it. Could any one of you please help me on  this and any help 
> /suggestions would be appreciated 

# tail -17 Makefile
.PRECIOUS: Makefile

        ($(MAKE); cd unit_tests; $(MAKE) lcov)
        ($(MAKE); cd unit_tests; $(MAKE) quick-check)
        ($(MAKE); cd fuzz; $(MAKE) all)
        ($(MAKE); cd fuzz; $(MAKE) check)

        rm -rf $(distdir)/win32/clamav-for-windows $(distdir)/win32/build

# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.

... so I would guess
     make lcov
     make lcov quick-check

Andrew C. Aitchison                    Kendal, UK

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