Dear Clamav Developers
Is anyone working on a feature for clamonacc to filter out clamd's pid, so
they don't scan themselves? This feature would allow us to run both
clamd/clamonacc as root without the need OnAccessExcludeRootUID/UID/Uname.

Other AM like McAfee and Trend-DS operate as root while also scanning root
events. My customer and I stand at the conclusion that we require
root-execution while scaning other root-process-evets, as to achieve
feature parity with commercial AM. Our deployment would be in the few 1000s
of RHEL7+8 under PCI-DSS.

I was thinking about having clamonacc watching the - But
then discovered which
discusses removal of PID-Path from config.

Please let me know if you already see blockers or issue "go for it" to this
idea. Unless I accomplish this myself, we might be able to raise a bounty.
My background is System Engineering and I am inclined to contributing
opensource. Just FYI, this is my current playground, simply installing the
EPEL packaged RPMs into a virutalmachine:

Question Summary:
- Is it feasible to implement clamd-pid-filtering in clamonacc or am I
missing something?
- What is needed to bump clamav v1.0?
- Are there any videocalls / irc sessions scheduled? (I live in UTC and
would be eager to listen into current discussions)

I am looking forward to your answer.

Best regards and much appreciation for clamav,

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