Hello Micah,

From: "Micah Snyder (micasnyd)" <micas...@cisco.com>
Subject: [Clamav-devel] Autotools build system dropped
Date: Wed, 19 May 2021 21:42:04 +0000

> We just dropped the Autotools build system in the dev/0.104 branch.  We 
> believe that the new CMake build system is stable at this point.  Continued 
> upkeep on the Autotools build system wasn't worth the effort, especially as 
> we're making ground with efforts to use the Rust programming language in 
> ClamAV for new features.
> We haven't yet updated the documentation pages with the CMake build 
> instructions.  I will do that soon.  For now, if you're looking for build 
> instructions please see the INSTALL.md file in the source directory: 
> https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/blob/dev/0.104/INSTALL.md
> Regards,
> Micah

I'm maintainer of FreeBSD clamav port/package. I read your message and
started porting dev/0.104 branch to prepare for the change of build
system in upcoming 0.104 release. It's still WIP but I'm facing one

According to the policy of FreeBSD ports framework, external libmspack
is used in clamav ports. So I set ENABLE_EXTERNAL_MSPACK to ON but it
results in configuration error as following.


It seems that error happens after external libmspack is successfully

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Yasuhiro Kimura

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