I'm having a problem with clamd and clamav-milter.
We just implemented a virus-scanning mail proxy for our university.
When using clamav-milter and clamd, clamd seems to be exiting unexpectedly when trying to deal with a high volume of mail traffic, most of it generated by the SoBig.F worm. (Please note that it works perfectly when only handling a few messages at a time.) I'm not sure if the problem is resulting from clamd or clamav-milter. Turning on debug output for clamd, all I find in the logs that might indicate trouble are a few entries like:

Sun Aug 24 00:33:10 2003 -> InVirusAction
Sun Aug 24 00:34:52 2003 -> Session 0 stopped due to timeout.

If there is more information I can send to help debug this problem, please let me know.

Thank You.

Eric Jarman
Information Services
Central Missouri State University

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