
  Solaris 9
  Clavav 0.65

We are having problems getting clamdscan to work. 

The problem is file permissions. The file being scanned must be either other readable, 
or it must belong to the clamav user or group. We do not have this problem with 

Any thoughts on how to get clamdscan to read files that the user of the program has 
permission to access, but which clamd does not have permission to access?

Also, I am not quite sure that I understand the problem... I thought that clamdscan 
read the file and passed it to clamd for processing. I guess I must misunderstand 
something here...

Thanks for the feedback.

Jon R. Kibler
Chief Technical Officer
A.S.E.T., Inc.
Charleston, SC  USA
(843) 849-8214

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