I am using logrotate to rotate my clamd logs.  I have an entry called "clam"
in /etc/logrotate.d which looks like this:

/var/log/clam/clam*.log {
        /bin/kill `/usr/bin/cat /var/run/clamd/clamd.pid` 2>/dev/null

If I don't kill clamd, it keeps writing to the old log.

When this runs, the clam daemon dies.

I've tried killall -HUP, but it doesn't work (presumably an issue with
ownership of the process).  I've also tried a sleep between the two commands
to give clamd a chance to die.

I have a cron job which "rescues" clamd if it dies, but it's not a very
elegant way of doing it.

Any suggestions as to how I can get this working?

I run clamd as user clamav.  I've got Slackware 9.1 and clamav-6.50

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