On Sat, 2004-02-14 at 00:00, Chris Conn wrote:
> Hello,
> I get the following error after installing unrar-3.3.6 (from a 
> unrar-3.3.6-0.lvn.1.rh90 rpm I built for RH9)
> Feb 13 18:33:25 MailScanner[5160]: ProcessClamAVOutput: unrecognised 
> line "UNRAR 3.30 freeware      Copyright (c) 1993-2004 Eugene Roshal". 
> Please contact the authors!
> Feb 13 18:33:25 MailScanner[5160]: No files to extract
> Feb 13 18:33:25 MailScanner[5160]: ProcessClamAVOutput: unrecognised 
> line "No files to extract". Please contact the authors!
These are MailScanner errors, you should really post them to the
MailScanner list.  The unrecognised line errors don't matter (just
unexpected output that is being ignored, however the 'no files to
extract' is probably a symptom of running clam as root.  It tries to use
/root/tmp as temporary space - but because it drops privileges it cannot
write to there.  I've attached my own updated clamav-wrapper which
addresses this issue.  You will need to uncomment the lines about unrar
in it.

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# clamav-wrapper --	invoke ClamAV for use with mailscanner
# Adrian Bridgett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 14/12/01
#   MailScanner - SMTP E-Mail Virus Scanner
#   Copyright (C) 2001  Julian Field
#   $Id: clamav-wrapper,v 2003/08/15 16:30:58 jkf Exp $
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
#   The author, Julian Field, can be contacted by email at
#   or by paper mail at
#      Julian Field
#      Dept of Electronics & Computer Science
#      University of Southampton
#      Southampton
#      SO17 1BJ
#      United Kingdom
# Modifications by Kevin Spicer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to get
# external unpackers working correctly.  9 Nov 2003
# Removed --unzip from ScanOptions, as its already in ExtraScanOptions
# (Clam usually uses own unzipper, -unzip just allows it to use external
# program so should be in ExtraScanOptions as it could cause a failure)
# Separate all unpackers and add missing ones.
# Add tmpdir (and check for it) in MailScanner incoming dir 
# (to take advantage of ramdisk) - needed by external unpacker

# You need to set the following in MailScanner.conf so that external 
# unpackers can be used...
#   Incoming Work Group = clamav
#   Incoming Work Permissions = 0640

# You may want to check this script for bash-isms



# Extra options we try to pass to clam but we handle it failing
# For each option there are two alternatives...
# --option   # if the required program is in the PATH
# --option=/path/to/program  # If its in a non standard location
# If you use the second option make sure you set the correct path in each case

# Note that clam internally supports Zip, Gzip and Rar (v2.0) files,
# so for these the extra options are just a fallback should the internal 
# unpacker fail (the internal unzipper should also support .jar files).

# Common external unpackers you probably have installed (hence 
# enabled by default)
# Uncomment ONE of the following lines if you have unzip installed
ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --unzip"  
#ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --unzip=/path/to/unzip" 

# Uncomment ONE of the following lines if you have unzip installed
# And want to be able to use it to scan jar files should the internal
# unzipper fail
ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --jar"  
#ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --jar=/path/to/unzip" 

# Uncomment ONE of the following lines if you have tar installed 
ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --tar"  
#ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --tar=/path/to/tar" 

# Uncomment ONE of the following lines if you have tar installed 
# AND it is GNU tar with gzip support
ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --tgz"  
#ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --tgz=/path/to/tar" 

# Uncomment ONE of the following lines if you have tar installed and
# want to scan debian .deb packages
# Must be GNU tar with gzip support
ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --deb"  
#ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --deb=/path/to/tar" 

# LESS COMMON unpackers, which probably aren't installed by default
# (hence disabled)
# Uncomment ONE of the following lines if you have unrar installed
#ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --unrar"  
#ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --unrar=/path/to/unrar" 

# Uncomment ONE of the following lines if you have unarj installed
#ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --unarj"  
#ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --unarj=/path/to/unarj" 

# Uncomment ONE of the following lines if you have unace installed
#ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --unace"  
#ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --unace=/path/to/unace" 

# Uncomment ONE of the following lines if you have lha installed
#ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --lha"  
#ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --lha=/path/to/lha" 

# Uncomment ONE of the following lines if you have zoo installed
#ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --zoo"  
#ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --zoo=/path/to/unzoo" 

# Uncomment next line if you need to disable Clam's DoS protection
#ExtraScanOptions="--max-files=0 --max-space=0 --max-recursion=0 $ExtraScanOptions"


if [ ! -x $ClamScan ]; then

if [ "x$1" = "x-IsItInstalled" ]; then
  [ -x $ClamScan ] && exit 0
  exit 1

umask 0077
# Check that the tmpdir exists, if not create it.
if [ ! -x "${MailScannerWorkDir}/clamav" ]; then
  mkdir "${MailScannerWorkDir}/clamav"
  if [ $? ]; then 
    ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --tempdir=${MailScannerWorkDir}/clamav"
    # If we are root chmod it to the clamav user/group
    if [ `whoami` = "root" ]; then
      chown ${ClamUser}:${ClamGroup} "${MailScannerWorkDir}/clamav"
  ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --tempdir=${MailScannerWorkDir}/clamav"

$ClamScan $ExtraScanOptions $ScanOptions "$@"

if [ "$?" = "40" ]; then
  # Clam complained we passed an illegal command-line option
  exec $ClamScan $ScanOptions "$@"
  exit $?

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