On Thu, 2004-05-13 at 20:53, Damian Menscher wrote:
> You are obviously correct in the case of an intrusion.  But I don't know
> many 1337 h4x0rs that would mess with:
> //usr/share/doc/libxml2-devel-2.5.4/example.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
> which is why i recommended updating clamav before reinstalling.
> Taking things in context helps.

Its also worth noting that where the type of infection doesn't match the
type of file its likely to be a false positive.  For example if you find
linux binaries 'infected' with a word macro virus.  

In this particular case (from its name, and the description of a
similarly named virus on Trend's site
http://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/virusencyclo/default5.asp?VName=HTML_JUNKSURF.A ) I 
would guess this is an HTML exploit, therefore finding it in all manner of files, both 
binary and text would seem to suggest an error on the part of the scanner.

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