Schoenwaelder Oliver wrote:


I've just made a fresh installation of SuSE 9.1 and installed clamav.
I changed the default SuSE clamav.conf to use a local socket but whatever I use clamavd won't start.
Without sockets it works.
SuSE currently distributes version 0.70 which is not the latest.
I installed version 0.73 but it fails, too.

Did you mean install from source?
If not, try that.
Most likely permission error, or an old (stale) socket.
Clamd's log for file or syslog should provide more hints what to do.
You should also be able to use my precompiled linux static binary
on . It does not have fancy startup script,
installs on /usr/local. Should work on any linux i386.



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