Damian Menscher wrote:
> It's really not hard to figure out the best time to update.
> Just write
> down all possible minutes, and cross off those that the average idiot
> would pick.  ;) 
> Damian Menscher

"Average idiot"s don't use freshclam.  It takes a very special kind of idiot. ;)
Seriously, things like this are why /dev/random was invented.

I suggest:
1) Pick a random number X between 0 and 59.  Set up a cron job (described below) to 
run at X minutes past the hour, every hour.
2) Cron job, when run, does the following:

A) Pick a random number (different every time) Y between 2 and 57.  Sleep Y * 60 
B) Run freshclam.

This should balance out the load quite well, if everyone does it.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      805.964.4554 x902
Hispanic Business Inc./HireDiversity.com         Software Engineer
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