On Wed, 2004-10-20 at 16:33, Grant Supp wrote:

> It seems to happen when scanning the same files. "Untitled Attachment" seems to 
> cause the problem evey time. I think this attachment might be generated by Outlook 
> 2003 when assigning a task to a user, although I'm not sure, since I don't have a 
> copy of Outlook 2003. I see several lines with the error for "Order - Hearing and 
> Appeal.pdf" so that file seems to be a problem as well. I've already disabled OLE2 
> support since I was having this same problem a lot with Microsoft Word .doc files.
> I even got one today with a gif file:
> Wed Oct 20 09:27:51 2004 -> 
> /var/spool/qmailscan/tmp/newmail01.readyhosting.com10982824714822434/image001.gif: 
> Unable to open file or directory ERROR
> Here's my startup output to show the scanning options:

Looks to me that whatever you are using to dissect messages into their
parts is creating files with incorrect permissions.


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part


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