In your clamd.conf file, are you set to use a TCP socket or a UNIX socket?

Check for these  lines in clamd.conf

# TCP port address.
#TCPSocket 3310
# Path to the local socket. The daemon doesn't change the mode of the #
created file (portability reasons). You may want to create it in a directory
# which is only accessible for a user running daemon.
LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd.sock

and these in freshclam.conf

# Send the RELOAD command to clamd.
NotifyClamd /etc/clamd.conf

Next, if you're using a local clamd.sock file like I'm doing, make sure the
permissions are "srwxrwxrwx".

If you're using the TCPSocket (by commenting out the LocalSocket line and
uncommenting the TCPSocket line, make sure your firewall allows local
connections to port 3310.  If you set up a standard firewall, that port is
probably blocked.


I have it setup like so:

---- START clamd.conf ----

# TCP port address.
# Default: disabled
TCPSocket 3310

# Path to a local socket file the daemon will listen on.
# Default: disabled
#LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd.sock

---- END clamd.conf ----

---- START freshclam.conf ----

# Send the RELOAD command to clamd.
# Default: disabled
# By default it uses the hardcoded configuration file but you can force an
# another one.
# NotifyClamd /etc/clamd.conf

---- END freshclam.conf ----

The firewall is setup to allow incoming and outgoing on on source
and destination ports 3310.

What do you recommend I change here?  It appears I have a mixture of
different settings.


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