Julian Mehnle wrote:
Counter question:  What do have the following in common: 1. tricking a
user into clicking a link that takes him to a virus, and 2. tricking a
user into clicking a link that takes him to a web page that tricks him
into clicking on a link that takes him to the virus?

Answer:  It's not ClamAV's responsibility to protect the user from
immediate threats that are outside of its sphere of action.

And a password protected zipped virus could be considered outside ClamAV's sphere too. We should not block those because it would be the job of the unzip program to protect the user, right?

Oh wait! Don't catch doc macro viruses because that is MSWord's job to protect the user.

I think your slope is just as slippery as mine :)

Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet

"Fall is my favorite season in Los Angeles, watching the birds change color and fall from the trees. - David Letterman"

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