Dale Walsh wrote:
Well I found a solution using telnet 3310 (STREAM) to get the actual communication port, and in issuing a telnet <RETURNED PORT> (paste data followed by the required EOF) and it appears to work.

-- Dale

Telnet to that port and type in:

SCAN (or RAWSCAN) /path_to_file_or_directory

e.g. RAWSCAN /tmp/suspect_file.exe

If you provide the full path to the test directory in the source distribution you will be rewarded with a few virus hits found in the various files there.

The docs html directory provides a list of commands you can type into the daemon including:

* PING  Check daemon state (should reply with "PONG").

* VERSION  Print program and database versions.

* RELOAD  Reload databases.

* SHUTDOWN  Perform a clean exit.

* SCAN file/directory Scan file or directory (recursively) with archive support enabled (a full path is required).

* RAWSCAN file/directory Scan file or directory (recursively) with archive support disabled (a full path is required).

* CONTSCAN file/directory Scan file or directory (recursively) with archive support enabled and do not stop scanning if virus is found.

* STREAM Scan stream: clamd will return a new port number you should connect to and send data to scan.

* SESSION, END Start/end a clamd session - you can do multiple commands per TCP session (WARNING: due to the clamd implementation the RELOAD command will break the session).


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