Odhiambo Washington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> * Julian Mehnle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20050208 06:02] wrote:
> > This is what I am doing:
> > http://julian.io.link-m.de/misc/rejected-messages
> > (The dynamic functionality doesn't work in IE since IE doesn't support
> > DOM properly.)
> >
> > Users can log in and view the most recent messages that were directed
> > to them but have been rejected for various reasons.
> Can you tell us how you implemented this, please?

I am running Courier[1] as the MTA, and the Courier::Filter[2] filter
plugin (written by me) to do the rejections.  C:F logs the rejections
(indluding message envelope, subject, and reason) into a PostgreSQL

Users can log in to the rejected messages list using HTTP Digest
authentication (htdigest file based, but replicated from the same
PostgreSQL database).  The rejected messages list application then uses
the REMOTE_USER environment variable to find the user's most recent
rejected messages in the PostgreSQL database and generates and outputs an
XHTML page from that.

The list page itself uses JavaScript for the dynamics, CSS for the layout,
and form <input type="text"> elements as "mini-viewports" for the sender
and receiver addresses and subjects (so long strings don't inflate the
table into infinity).

My future plans are to use colored backgrounds for the rejection entries
according to the type of rejection reason (DNSBL, ClamAV, etc.), enable
the user to choose only specific types of rejection reasons for display,
and to implement global statistics similar to [3,4] using RRDtool[5].

 1. http://www.courier-mta.org
 2. http://search.cpan.org/dist/Courier-Filter
 3. http://stats.logidac.com/qpsmtpd.shtml
 4. http://stats.logidac.com/how/
 5. http://www.rrdtool.org


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