Daniel A. Deitch wrote:
Ok. Checked the permissions and it still doesn't want to work. I'm
trying to upgrade to 0.83 (having a problem with that too apparently),
but this problem has been happening through multiple versions now.

Can someone give me specifics to check .. just in case I'm being an
idiot and didn't check what I needed to.

Just suggestions:

Check that the user/group that clamav runs under is the owner of the freshclam.conf and clamd.conf files in /usr/local/etc, as well as the db files (sounds like you already did that).

Enable the verbose logging in the conf files.

Make sure that the log files and the pid files already exist.

I don't have my notes from the last installation so I can't remember what else. Did you run a make deinstall before installing the current version port, or was this not a port install? I had kepy my old conf files and I didn't have everything correct in there. Deleted those and used the default conf files as a start, made my adjustments, and everything worked.

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