email builder wrote:
> Yep, that's obvious to anyone who stares at top with any regularity.  That
> doesn't mean that top is useless tho.  :)

No it's not useless (I never said it was).

> I understand and agree.  But, as useful as looking at stats can be, it's not
> the only way to gague system performance IMO.  As even a novice admin, I
> think you can watch CPU usage with top or system load with w on a regular
> basis, and you *can* eyeball things to a certain extent, especially if you
> can keep an eye on those things on a regular basis over a period of time and
> if you can swap out software versions for comparison.  Sure, virus explosions
> could seriously warp stats, but I don't think when we saw .83 kill our CPU
> and we rolled back to .80 and the CPU dropped off substantially that it was
> due to some strange virus that happened to only attack us when we were
> running .83.  With enough diligence, subjective analysis isn't completely
> invalid.  But I'm not trying to start a fight.  :)

I agree that subjective analysis could lead to investigate real problems.

> We rolled back to .80 and CPU went back to the low levels it was at
> before....


> Where do you do that?  Clam itself only has ArchiveMaxFileSize and
> ClamukoMaxFileSize (but we don't use claumuko).  I don't see anything obvious
> in my amavis config (might be missing a default config somewhere else
> though), and I don't know how to make Postfix skip a content filter based on
> that kind of rule....?

ArchiveMaxFileSize is a start.  It's usally done at the filter configuration
level, CommuniGate makes it very easy, you configure your filter to be used if
some conditions are true, with Sendmail it has to be a feature in a milter (I
haven't seen a milter that has it, but I haven't been looking for it).

René Berber


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