Damian Menscher said:
> On Sat, 14 May 2005, Dennis Peterson wrote:
>> Damian Menscher said:
>>> Both of us run watchdog scripts (I run clmilter_watch every 15 minutes)
>>> so, at worst, clamav-milter will be down for 15 minutes.  In your case,
>>> all mail delivery will stop, and I think outgoing mail will also be
>>> broken.  So, not only will your mailserver be down, but your users
>>> won't
>>> be able to contact you to let you know it's down.  Of course, a
>>> 15-minute downtime might be acceptable to you.
>> Use a startup script like this (crude) example and you wait only a few
>> seconds:
>> #! /bin/sh
>> # Start daemon, restart if it dies, send notification to syslog
>> start_clamav_milter ()
>> {
>>  /usr/bin/clamav_milter [args]
>> }
>> # main
>> While :; do
>>  start_clamav_milter
>>  sleep 5
>>  logger -t clamav -p local5.crit "Damn milter quit again"
>> done
> That only saves you if clamav-milter crashes, not if it hangs, or if the
> virus database gets borked, or any number of other problems.  To guard
> against all possible failures you need clmilter_watch, available at
>     http://www.itg.uiuc.edu/itg_software/clmilter_watch/
> Damian Menscher

That isn't the problem solved in this script - it's a startup script. You
can and should monitor the various clam elements with basic tools, but
restarting the daemon can be automated in the startup script regardless of
what ever monitoring you have. Since you already need a startup script it
is a logical next step to make one that loops as does this example.


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