On Tue, 17 May 2005, Dennis Peterson wrote:
Damian Menscher said:

I found Stephen Gran's comment interesting, in that he beat me to
finding the bug (I'd wasted time looking in clamav-milter.c first).
The rest of the posts, including your arrogant ramblings, were

I'll be damned. And here I thought making folks incrementally aware that starting clamav with intelligent scripts and as the actual clamav runtime user and not as root would be very helpful in dealing with what you thought was a bug. I had this "bug" solved before I finished my breakfast coffee without looking at a single line of code and took the time to explain it all. Silly me. Or silly you... which?

The bug wouldn't affect me as I use the LogSyslog option. IMHO it's silly for applications to do their own logging. The explanation for the LogFile existing as an option was, I think, that Windows doesn't provide a syslog() functionality.

So, I don't feel silly. Up to you if you want to call yourself silly for wasting a day talking about a non-issue.

Damian Menscher
-=#| Physics Grad Student & SysAdmin @ U Illinois Urbana-Champaign |#=-
-=#| 488 LLP, 1110 W. Green St, Urbana, IL 61801 Ofc:(217)333-0038 |#=-
-=#| 4602 Beckman, VMIL/MS, Imaging Technology Group:(217)244-3074 |#=-
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