Fajar A. Nugraha wrote:
Jim Maul wrote:

2) Can I configure qmail-scanner to disconnect the smtp session and starts
clamav in the background (probably a qmail-scanner question) ?
I don't think any MTA is able to do that.

I believe qmail does this by default. It does not keep the smtp session open during scanning. There are patches that allow it to keep the session open..i imagine you are using one of these. Perhaps you want to remove them?

Aah ... you mean the accept-first, scan-and-always-generate-bounces-later method?

Not exactly.

Somehow I was imagining something like accept-mail-but-don't-generate-bounces-when-virus-found method.

Qmail-scanner can do this. I send no bounces/notifications back to the 'sender'.


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