On Mon, 25 Jul 2005, Dennis Peterson wrote:
> Christopher McCrory said:
> > What are the chances of getting new version announcements to the 'users'
> > list also?
> Monitor your logs - you don't need anyone's help to learn there's a new
> version. Just a cron entry that grep's -i "warning" pipe mailx root will
> do the trick.

I think the point is to decrease the number of "What's going on?" messages
during each upgrade, not to keep attentive admins from noticing new

That's why he said "also"...because presumably we all get the announce
list, but obviously enough people don't to cause a round of questions each

I can certainly tolerate one duplicate update message from the Clam team
if it will cut down on the same thread respawning every update.

Jeffrey Moskot
System Administrator

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