On Mon, Jul 25, 2005 at 12:33:37PM -0700, Christopher McCrory wrote:
> What are the chances of getting new version announcements to the 'users'
> list also?  It seems easy and would save a lot of people the trouble of

I think it would be way better if the announce list, and/or possibly the
users list, could post followup information when it becomes available,
such as this:


I was not rushing the upgrade, waiting for the FreeBSD ports system
to catch up, but as I got the info that there's a remote exploit
for ClamAV <= 0.86.1, I upgraded immediately yesterday evening.
Luckily for me, the FreeBSD ports version was also upgraded yesterday.

#!perl -wpl # mmfppfmpmmpp mmpffm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
$_[2]}->(map{/p|f/i+/f/i}split//,$&)+97):qw(m p f)[map{((ord$&)%32-1)/$_%3}(9,
3,1)]),5,1)='`'lt$&;$f.eig;                                # Jan-Pieter Cornet

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