Todd Lyons wrote:
Grant Basson wanted us to know:

Should you ever come back to visit this list you'll learn that everything
you need to know about this can be found in your clamd.conf file. That
leaves for you the challenge of finding that clamd.conf file.
I feel like a twit, but here goes anyway.
How the heck do you run clamd?
Man pages suggest that I just type clamd, I get the following response:
-bash: clamd: command not found

Its also very possible that the package you installed is broken out into multiple rpm's and you didnt install the 'server' rpm so your clamd binary is missing.

It's not in the path for user "grant".  There should be a super user on
your system that will have that binary in the path.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ clamdscan
ERROR: Clamd is not configured properly.
Does this mean clamd is running?

No.  It probably also means that it is definitely not running.

This is extremely confusing, any assistance would be GREATLY appreciated.
By the way, I'm replying to this message, because clamd.conf man page, said
clamd.conf was in /etc in my case I had to create it

the rpm should create the clamd.conf so if you dont have one, it seems to verify what i said above.

Check to make sure you have a clamd binary on your system. If its not there at all, check to make sure the package you installed doesnt have a server rpm which was missed during installation.


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