On Feb 1, 2006, at 9:11 AM, Daniel J McDonald wrote:

On Wed, 2006-02-01 at 17:45 +0300, Odhiambo Washington wrote:
* On 01/02/06 07:52 -0600, John Jolet wrote:

I fail to see how everyone using the same names protects my users any more than they already are by my using the best antivirus server- side
solution out there.  Who cares what you call the virus, when norton
only releases new signatures on wednesdays.....

I don't care as well!
Afterall, I can smell a rat on this CME issue, only the smell is still
quite not identifiable!
Some people want to control the Virus business ;)

The only reason that I care is that when there is hew and cry over a
massively destructive virus, I can point at my virus statistics and say "oh, our AV calls CME-24 'worm.vb9' - we've been blocking it for weeks." Then I don't have to worry about what name another group might give it,
and the PHB's will leave me alone for a little while longer.
has anyone ever noticed how much EXTRA work we sysadmins do for that reason alone? There's a lot of cycles spent, collectively, to prove to management what we already know.

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