On Friday 04 August 2006 12:18 pm, Todd Lyons wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 03, 2006 at 06:09:25PM -0500, Chris wrote:
> >I was looking at my clamav stats file and noticed that it kept giving me
> > the same amount of virus's detected as of 1 Aug. Looking  at
> >my /var/log/clamav/clamd.log I noticed that it quit logging on Aug 1. I
> >checked my syslog output and clamd has been running and I've been
> > getting clamav hits on spam via the clamav plugin for spamassassin.
> > Therefore everything is working. Any known reasons why clamd just up
> > and quit logging?
> Your logrotate program rotated the log out from under clamd and then
> didn't HUP clamd to let it know that it needed to reopen logfiles.  Look
> in /etc/logrotate.d/ and see what, if any, files reference the clamd
> logfiles.  Here's what mine looks like on a Gentoo box.  It should be
> similar to yours after you adjust for your paths:
Actually to keep my clamav stats continuous I removed (actually just moved 
it to another folder) the clamd logrotate script from /etc/logrotate.d.  
But the way I see it, if when the scripts in logrotate are run and the one 
for clamav isn't there then the log should continue on, or am I wrong here?

19:00:16 up 5 days, 28 min, 1 user, load average: 0.23, 0.17, 0.11

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