My mail server has been choking under high load for about 3 months now.  I have
about 725 user accounts, using sendmail, imapd and horde for webmail.  Top
shows the load average climbing above 30.  Server is a 4 gb+ memory and Dual
pIII.  I use clamav with procmail.  Top shows clamscan in the top portion of
utilization everytime.  My clamav isnt logging (doesnt look like it has for
sometime).  I disabled clamscan in procmail and mail utilization went way down.
 Does anyone know how I can start troubleshooting this?  I am running
ClamAV 0.88.4/1742.  My clamav.conf is pretty normal.  I havent changed it in
quite sometime though.
 Procmail script:
 # send through clamav
#| /usr/local/bin/clamassassin

# quarantine if clamav found virus
#* ^X-Virus-Status: Yes



Dwayne Hottinger
Network Administrator
Harrisonburg City Public Schools

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