>Travis Rabe wrote:
>> And one of the lrgest complaints from going from Windows to Linux is the
>> lack of support and understanding from community groups.  WOW - so what if
>> he needs to be spoon fed?  I am sure all of us at sometime (if yoiu came
>> form WIndows) needed to be spoon fed.  If you didn't - then great and good
>> for you.
>> Spoon feed the guy, don't ridicule him.  Man.....
>I don't see where there is any ridicule. Are you suggesting Windows 
>people are delicate little flowers than require a gentle touch? That 
>seems a bit of an insult.
You know I don't usually comment on behavior of folks in lists either
positive or negative but this touched a nerve here so you get to hear
it. Sorry live with it.

I've done IS for 24 years, WAY before there was an Internet as we see
it today and most of it has been in a Unix environment though I do
also work with Windows, Novell, DOS, you name it I've probably seen or
worked wit it over the years. 

Frankly, the attitudes that I see from people like Dennis today make
me wish for the way things were a few years ago. I can recall when in
most cases you asked a question and got help with it. Sometimes the
questions weren't asked in good form, were missing information, not in
good English structure (remember the Internet covers more than just
the US and English speaking countries folks) and you had to ask for
more information to help the individual but it's only recently that
I've seen people responding like Dennis here in a manner like they are
just too good to be bothered.

Simple solution to this is if you don't want to help someone just
don't say ANYTING...why make the person feel worse for asking a
question and trying to learn?? IF you're going to tell me they should
RTFM that's a cop out....likely they have or they wouldn't be
asking....let's face it docs are not perfect, neither are man pages if
someone tells me there has never been a doc or a man page that was
incorrect or missing a command line switch or option I'll be happy to
show more than one example where something was missing or wrong.

No one is suggesting that Windows folks are "delicate little flowers"
but whatever happened to common courtesy in a conversation? I'd hope
that is at least able to be expected from people that are supposedly
adults and maybe even professional IS staff....I'm hoping you don't
use that sort of attitude at your day job....I know if I my staff
treated users and staff in that manner they'd be looking for new
employment in a hurry....but I guess since no one pays you to help
here you feel that you can take whatever rude condescending attitude
you please with people that are just looking for some help.

Couple last words for the whole thing.....sad, embarrassing and
disgusting. Now why don't you go crawl back to whatever rock you were
sunning yourself on - we're all so sorry we bothered you with a lowly

===[George R. Kasica]===        +1 262 677 0766
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